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In order to be listed in this blog, please copy the text below, fill in your information and email it to   Your answers will be posted exactly as you fill them in, but URL links will not be set up.  I will not include additional personal information such as phone numbers as these might pose security risks to you.
See my blog for examples of the way you might fill in your information.

Please follow the formatting for emails and URL links so we can avoid spammers.  The format:  EmailName[at]Service[dot]com.  For example, WhoWhereZentangle[at]gmail[dot]com.

Real Life Name
Email: YourEmail[at]service[dot]com
Designators: Please add any designators, such as Certified Zentangle Teacher, that you wish to share.

Enter any blog or website names you wish

Image Sites
Enter any or all image sites and your names there, that you wish--examples: Flickr:molossus, Photobucket: LifeImitatesDoodles

Social Networks
Enter any social networks and your names there--examples: Facebook: Sandra Strait, Twitter: YourName

Enter any shops and your names there, that you wish--example: Etsy: YourName, Cafepress: YourName